Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Self discovery

Most people, including myself and some of my friends (all of us in their late 20s), go through this phase of self discovery and trying to find what works for them and what doesn't. The biggest crisis comes with respect to what one wants to do and what one is doing. At this stage what one wants to do is definitely not what one is doing. Atleast this is true for 90%. Ironically, we don't know what we want to do. And people who are happy, or atleast appear to be happy, are people who always knew what they wanted to do...wow! hats off!! For me, after spending 4 years in US and 2 yrs of pre-US work ex in India, I am still clueless. Rather so burnt out that I am even happy to sweep the floors if it pays me well.
At the same time, there are these so many young and energetic people around who are still raving/ranting about good/bad work, wanting to go to the US, wanting to switch companies, ....ah the list is endless.

What am I doing? Am I wrong in being so complacent about everything. Isin't there anything called contentment and just "doing" a job and not thinking much about the merits/demerits of its nature? I don't know...I am so confused. There is a feeling of inadequacy, inefficiency, low morale, fear of what the future has in store, fear of what tommorrow will tell me, fears, fears and more fears.

A friend of mine is going to join a class today where she will apparently be taught how to live. Well good for her, but living the way one wants to live should be what living is all about. Living the way you are taught to live is just another form of slavery at a more abstract level. Maybe my cynical bone is just too stiff to understand these things but somehow a motivating speech or an "art of living" class is just not the right thing to do.


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