Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Loyalty and Windbreakers

The weather in Bangalore in general is a bitch. It changes as often as normal hygenic peole change their underwear. Anyways, so yesterday it got a bit windy and caused a slight chest pain which spread gradually to the back. So today in the morning while coming to office I decided to put on an old windbreaker which had Wipro Nortel Telecom Labs written on it on the top-left. While such things do draw a fair amount of nostalgia, they can also be a mechanism to label loyalties.

So the first incident started with me going for a morning coffee with my manager and I could see that he stared at my windbreaker several times. I immediately realized the reason but he never made a comment so I never responded. Later after a few stares pointed at the aforesaid wind breaker, I was posed the eminent "Were you at Wipro earlier?". It was a polite yes from my side along with some stupid comment to mellow down the embarrassment about showing some kind of loyalty to my old company. Yeah was the most lame thing I could have possibly said.

So much to stares, windbreakers and loyalties.



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