Tuesday, October 04, 2005

New Job

I have started working in the Internet Operations Infrastructure group at America Online (AOL) in Bangalore, India. I should have blogged about the new job experiences 3 weeks earlier when I had joined AOL on the 12th of September since there is much to be written and blogged about when one meets new people, tries to get aquainted with the new culture (work and otherwise) and so on.

Anyways, there was too much happening at that point in time to write about anything at all. So, I just kept procastinating until today and even today I don't feel like writing anything. It's 6:00 PM and I am supposed to be at work atleast until 7:30 PM but I feel like I am sortaa done for the day. So i guess this is the best time to blog.

In a nutshell, past 3 weeks have been so much better than the last 16 months at Oracle which sucked for lack of a better word. I like my work (atleast so far), like the freedom, like the work culture and like my co-workers or maybe everything is so rosy at this time because its the typical honeymoon period. I hope it remains this way.

Now I don't feel like writing about work anymore. So what else is there to write ...hmmm...lets see. Slugs got married and i guess must be in Columbo by this time, I haven't heard from PV in days - don't know whats up with him, met Kanishka during his Bangalore visit, bought a new pair of glasses and shoes, commute sucks but I feel good riding my bike, got caught in the rain several times, had Japanese food after a long time - sushi was good. I should write to Utsav - have been postponing that for a while now. I think I am having withdrawl symptoms.

More later.