Monday, January 02, 2006

The penultimate and ultimate day of 2005

On Tuesday, the 27th of December, my mother had gotten a PAP Smear test taken. The results were expected on Friday, the 30th of December. These last 4 days of 2005 were perhaps the most stressful days of our lives and everybody waited in somekind of a suspended animation. The air had a very heavy and melancholy smell to it as if something terrible has happened but the sun rose, birds chirped, children played, i went to work, talked with people, had coffee and did everything that i usually do with a weird semblance of normalcy.

Finally on Friday at 2:00 PM, I got a phone call from my mother saying that the report is normal and there is nothing to worry about. From that very instant the air seemed lighter and the heavy oppressive veil of anger, fear and pain was suddenly lifted. I took an early off from office and spent the remainder of the evening at home with my parents.

The last day of 2005 was spent on MG Road getting my pictures taken for the US Visa application and doing some window shopping with Sudeep. The interesting part happened in the evening after 8:00 PM when and I Sudeep went to eat out. We started to arbitrarily drive towards Bannerghatta National Park on Bannerghatta Road and after much hunting cornered a place called Vasiri. So Vasiri is this place which serves Indian, Chinese and Mughlai and up we went in the hopes of getting some good food and some great beer to wash down the mughlai stuff. To our disappointment we discovered that atleast 50% of the items mentioned on the menu were not being served and as it happened, everything we wanted to eat wasn't available. So we walk out of the restaurant and hop into a cafe across the street. After having ordered sandwiches, I decided not to spend the last meal of the year over a sandwich in a crappy cafe. So we head out of that as well and land at a tried-and-tested place called Wok and Grill. Now, W&G is typically famous for the Wok part (which means Chinese) but not the Grill part (which means Continental). So the adventurous and frustrated souls wanted to try the infamous part. Sudeep ordered fish & chips and I ordered an Arabiata (pasta). After a wait of about 20 minutes, arrived the legendary fish and chips with 4 pieces of fish and local handmade potato wafers. We were like WTF but couldn't say much because technically it was fish and chips. My pasta wasn't that bad but had a multitude of colors in it (saffron, white and green) and for a minute I though I was celebrating India's Independence day. Anyways, so after the meal we decided to have icecreams in the adjoining desserts shop and I ordered my usual Hot Choclate Fudge and Sudeep ordered Brazilian something. So when my icecream arrived it was just smelly vanilla icecream with choclate sauce poured over it - no fudge no hot no nothing! By this time, I was fuming with anger and finally we did not pay the guy for my share of the dessert. It was then that we decided that it is wise to leave before it gets worse. So we reached home at 11:30 and I passed into the new year watching the ball drop on my couch.


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