Monday, February 27, 2006

Discovering T9

While checking my cell phone bill online, I accidentally followed a link to a tutorial on T9. For those who don't know what T9 is, it is a kind of a word completion tool available on almost all cell phones and comes in very handy while using text based messaging systems on cell phones (SMS - Short Messaging System etc. )

My wife is a walking talking sample of the cell-phone generation in India ( maybe I should christian a phrase - cellphoners - here, just like baby boomers !). The cellphoners usually spend atleast 2 hours per day on the cell phone talking and atleast 30 minutes sending text messages. Anyhow, so I always get complaints about how I always avoid cellphoners and how evasive I am when it comes to sending text messages and talking on the phone.

My primary reason for avoiding text messaging using the cellphone is that I simply find it painful typing out using the keys on my cell. Especially you have to wait for the cursor to move automatically when you have to press the same key twice (for example, while typing out "call" you have to press c, wait, press, a, press l, wait, press l). This is just more time consuming than calling and saying whatever you have to type out. But with T9, its a different ball game. To type "call" just press c, press a, press l and press l (notice - without waits) and the thing is intelligent enough to type out "call" for you. I experimented with this for a while and figured that my type-time reduced by atleast 50% - huge improvement and I can be a happy SMSer!!

I think I should join the cellphoners!!

Friday, February 17, 2006



1. Leather Bound edition of "Lord of the Ring"
2. How to climb Mount Fuji


1. Lord of the Ring - Fellowship of the Ring (aquired)
2. Lord of the Ring - The Two Towers (aquired)
3. Lord of the Ring - Return of the King (aquired)
4. Starwars - all 6
5. Friends - all 10 seasons
6. 24 - all seasons


1. Simon and Garfunkel - everything (partially aquired)

Places to Visit

1. The Great Pyramids of Egypt
2. Great Barrier Reef - Australia
3. Newzealand
4. African Safari
5. The Amazons
6. Mount Everest
7. Roman Amhitheaters
8. Vatican
9. Italy
10. France

Got Married on the 26th of Jan 2006

I got married to Ritu Sharma on the 26th of January 2006 in Hyderabad.