Sunday, April 01, 2007

Books read in 2007

I have noticed that as the years are progressing, my reading has taken an exponential decline despite the number of books lined up at all times. So this is going to be a shameful year as far as reading is concerned. Nonetheless, the books and my star rating (* being lowest and ***** being highest) on the books needs to be penned down. Here it goes:

1. Cat o'nine Tales - Jeffery Archer (rating - ***)
2. Mein Kempf - Adolf Hitler (abandoned)
3. A short history of nearly everything - Bill Bryson (rating - ****)
4. The Inscrutable Americans - Anurag Mathur (rating - ***)
5. Next - Michael Crichton (rating - **)
6. The Innocent Man - John Grisham (rating - ***)
7. The Silver Chair - Chronicles of Narnia (rating - **)
8. The Last Battle - Chronicles of Narnia (rating - ***)
9. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (rating - ***)