Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The "morning-after" child

My friends, Archana and Sudip, have become proud parents of a baby girl on the 16th. The baby was born at 3:00 AM and weighed 2.7 Kilos. She is still in the incubator and probably going through a tornado of emotions. Maybe she is still thinking of her past life or maybe she is having somekind of a premonition about whats to come - who knows but it would definitely be interesting to peek inside an infant's mind. Maybe infants are just ignorantly selfish to bother about just their needs.

Anyways, if she was born on the 15th of August - she would have been in the league of midnight's children but since she escaped the stroke of 12 so she becomes the "morning after" child.

Also, I bought a electric blue kinetic nova yesterday and I am all excited about it.


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