Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Why I chose to marry you

I got this email today from my fiance which made a failed attempt to express why I was the one she chose to marry. According to the email, it was because of ...well nothing. However, the sentences which were confusing and kindaa stupid were - "I wanted to make a careful choice and it was a big decision for life".

So the big question here is how do we make such big decisions in life in less than a day's time? How does a person know whats right when one doesn't get the time to decide between various rights or between wrongs and rights?

On a more philosphical thought - why do people use the word "love" and "sorry" so liberally in this country. How do people start loving other people without even knowing what the other person is, what he/she stands for, what he/she believes in. I really feel sorry for people who do this - its not only injustice to the person who is on the other side of the table but also a lot of injustice to the person who is expressing himself/herself.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Jesus is the only way to heaven

While I was riding my bike today to work, there was an auto-rickshaw which managed to keep ahead of me at all times. What was interesting about the auto was what was written at the back of the yellow top which was "Jesus is the only way to heaven".

That put my mind racing across 5 different thought processes and made my boring commute a little less boring. These 5 different thoughts were:

1. Is heaven communal?
2. Is Jesus the name of a street?
3. Was the auto-rickshaw driver homicidal?
4. Was it a warning sign for anybody who tried to overtake the auto-rickshaw?
5. Is Jesus good in bed?

YT gets "officially" engaged

I got engaged to Ritu Sharma on the 13th of November 2005. (err..13th - lucky or unlucky?). She is a normal non-YT type of person who I got engaged to after knowing her for less than 24 hours (in total). Well this is the typical "arranged" Indian wedding scenario. So half those who don't know what an arranged marriage is in the Indian context would probably die out of shock and other half will stop reading and move over to a next random blog.

Now that I have known Ritu for around 1.5 months, I guess I can possibly devote an entire page about her and what she is like and she is not like, what she would like and what she would not like but that would make me susceptible to criticism and possibly be accused of washing dirty linen in public. So I would not say anything and hope for the best.

I hope to put her pictures (with and without me) on the net sometime but just haven't been able to find the time to do that.

Wish best of luck to me and Ritu.

We (atleast I) badly need it.